Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Rain, Rain, go away!

Ooooh the rain was not fun today. I woke up late and since dippity dustin ignored my phone call for a ride, I had to rush and try and catch the bus. In doing this, I made the poor decision to wear my chuck taylors. In walking to the bus stop, and then to school, my shoes and furthermore socks were completely soaked. The bus was late so I just stood in the rain waiting. And waiting. After getting on the bus, it barely made it downtown in time for me to catch the connecting bus. Good thing the bus driver was in rite-aid. On the way to school, the bus driver made me answer his cell phone for him. weird. He was nice enough to drop me off on the corner, closer to school, than at the bus stop though. As I walked down the street to school, I noticed there were worms everywhere! It was impossible not to step on them. My jeans, which are too long, were starting to fold under my chucks so I had to keep stopping to roll them up so they wouldn't get ruined. When I finally got to class, and hour and a half late, I was completely soaked, head to toe. My shoes squeaked and leaked water with each step. During lunch with aldo and ely, I somehow lost 2 buttons off my pea coat, so now I couldnt even keep my shirt dry! Dottie and Damon were nice enough to give me a ride home....but what's usually a 15 minute ride took almost an hour and half because of the rain and the traffic! We went through so many puddle lakes! When I finally got home, the power was out. Lame! It lasted 3 hours. The apartment was completely dark, no one was home, and I had nothing to do!


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